Friday, October 24, 2014

Abbott's Lagoon Sept 2014

It's embarrassing how long it's been since we posted but these photos are too great not to post. They're all from a walk on Labor Day at Abbott's Lagoon.

These are shown in the order experience from trail head to ocean and back.

 More coyotes on the way out! See below.

The elusive Snowy Plover!

White Pelicans.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January sights.

Every January we have 'house Christmas' basically skipping presents and going for good company, fun, and food. Here are some photos.

Here's morning sun through the trees viewed from the back windows of the house:

A hare on the trail to Abbot's Lagoon.

And pelicans from the landing near Lunny's Drakes Bay Oysters.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mt Wittenberg August: Hiking and Flowers in the Fog

There has been unusually heavy fog this month and the trail along the passes around Mt Wittenberg is soaked...the tall trees harvest fog benefiting the ferns and flowers. Ocean winds stream off the coast and tend to funnel up the valleys. When there's fog, that concentrates moisture in the dips between the high hills along Bear Valley. In the picture above, the boys slog through the results.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April Flowers Everywhere

At Sea Ridge House:

And on the trail to Kehoe Beach:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This was the best year for rhododendrons we've ever seen!

Shell Beach at low tide and a great year for rhododendrons.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

And now the Rhodies are in full force

Looking out the master bedroom window from the rhododendrons past the waterfall to the tulips.

Coming in the Front Gate with a closeup.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's Spring!

Most Days, anyway.

My theory is that the SF has digital weather. Either it's summer or winter on any given day. There are just more summer days in July than in January.

Still, when the balance shifts and you start getting more summer days than winter ones, out come the spring flowers!