Thursday, August 2, 2007

Elk and Rhodies from June Solstice, nearly.

It has been an very hectic last 30 days and I'm just now getting around to posting pictures from June.

An acquaintance from my son's school told me his best Pt Reyes hike was in the elk perserve on the solstice. Mother elk hide away very tiny babies but when they reach a certain size they rejoin the herd and frolic near sundown. This we had to check out even though we were a week of so early.

Alas, we saw only a few baby elk. Perhaps 'rejoin' is the wrong term above: one tiny one we spotted quickly disappeared into the grass not to be seen again. Perhaps the younger ones are simply hidden away with the herd most of the time. At any rate, sundown does seem to be a good time to see elk. Repeated visits indicate that the herds pick that time to move en masse from place to place...or less traffic means they're willing to move near the road. The youngster pictured above is pretty good sized. We weren't quick enough to get a photo of the tiny one.

Here's another shot from late afternoon the day before.

Meanwhile back at the ranch:

> the Rhododendrons are in full bloom;

> and much of the rest of the garden is blooming, too, for example;

> and, finally, we have new balconies large enough now for deck chairs.

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