Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Drake's Estero Trail to Drake's Head

Griffin and I decided to do a long hike 6 miles out to Drake's Head and back and saw lots of birds and wild flowers. Here's some highlights from the hike.

We found these guys at the far end of the estuary near where the trail begins. They're some sort of Grebe. We're inexpert birders and are just beginning to be able to identify some of the wealth of bird species we see on a regular basis. We're still working on figuring out what species of Grebe we've got here. Also seen: an osprey with a fish, ravens and turkey vultures, a Surf Scooter on a stock damn, egrets and herons, and various ducks too far away to clearly identify. The Grebe was the only one close enough for a photo with our old cheap digital.

Highlights from the walk's wild flower finds. Calla Lilies are starting to fade.

The Wild Irises are just coming into their own along with a variety of small species, eg Buttercups. Huge patches of Iris are scattered throughout the cow pasture side of Point Reyes Seashore. This wide circle had probably 30 blooms with more to come.

And the Lupin are just starting up.

Arriving at Drake's Head we had a spectacular view of the Limotaur Estuary, hundreds of ducks and shorebirds, the ocean, and up and down the coast. Needless to say this photo is not the next best thing to being there.

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